
    Thought Leadership Series: Climate Risk & Insurance, Hybrid Event, Online and in California, March 13, 4-5:30 PT

  • 13 March 2025
  • Start time : 04:00 PM
  • End time : 05:30 PM
  • Event Host : USGBC California
Thought Leadership Series: Climate Risk & Insurance
Event Description

As climate-related disasters intensify, they pose growing challenges for homeowners, businesses, insurers, and policymakers. This panel will explore the intersection of climate risk and insurance, with a particular focus on wildfires, one of the most destructive and financially devastating natural disasters in the state.

During this and recent years, wildfires have caused billions of dollars in damages, leading insurers to raise premiums, limit coverage, or withdraw from high-risk areas entirely. This growing crisis leaves many Californians struggling to find or afford property insurance, prompting urgent discussions about the future of risk assessment, regulatory frameworks, and resilience strategies. But it is not just wildfire, it is increasing risk of floods, mudslides, extreme heat, extreme heat, and coastal erosion. How can the insurance industry adapt to an era of more frequent and severe wildfires? What role do government policies, mitigation efforts, and emerging technologies play in creating a more sustainable insurance market?

Their expert panel will feature leading voices from the insurance sector, climate science, government, and risk management. As California grapples with the long-term realities of climate change, finding sustainable insurance solutions is critical for protecting residents, businesses, and the broader economy. This panel will offer essential insights into the risks and opportunities ahead, providing a roadmap for action at the intersection of climate science, policy, and financial protection.

Join them for an engaging discussion on how to navigate better assessing climate risk and what can be done today to build resilience for tomorrow.


  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • USGBC California
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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