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The 4th Biannual Mid-Atlantic Green Roof Science & Technology Symposium, August 16 - 17, College Park, MD
Event Description
Green roof system research is a high priority for assured performance in urban low impact development. The MGRST symposium is dedicated to disseminating results of scientific research and technological developments that will lead to the establishment of green roof performance standards for the Mid-Atlantic region.
Symposium Topics include:
Green Roof System Ecology
Media Development and Blending
Green Roof Water Quality
Monitoring Technology
Urban Farming
Plant Palettes
Case Studies
Green Roof Urban Farm, Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.
Symposium Location:
University of Maryland, College Park, MD Edward St. John Learning and Teaching Center, 4131 Campus Drive, College Park, MD 20742
General Admission: $150.00
Students: $25.00
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