
    Social Equity Credits in LEED, May 28, 2015 8:30 AM-10 AM USGBC Massachusetts

  • 28 May 2015
Event Description

May 28, 2015 8:30 AM-10 AM
50 Milk St, 17th Floor
Hercules Conference Room
Boston, MA

USGBC has identified “fostering social equity” as a driving principle in its strategic plan, and in 2014, launched 3 new Social Equity credits as part of the LEED v4 Pilot Credit library. The three credits; Social Equity in the Project, Social Equity in the Community, and Social Equity in the Supply Chain reward project teams for implementing best practices in improving social equity.

This presentation provides an introduction to the concept of social equity in the built environment, outlines potential social equity challenges, and introduces each of the new LEED credits including their intent and documentation requirements.

Shawn Hesse, RA, LEED AP BD+C, O+M, Regenerative Practitioner

Shawn is a registered architect and sustainability expert with emersion DESIGN. He leads the firm’s Boston office, working to integrate sustaina

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