
    Risk Management Choices: Adaptation Strategies by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Insurance Industry Jan 12th Boston

  • 12 January 2018
  • Start time : 08:00 AM
  • End time : 11:30 AM
  • Event Location : University of Massachusetts Club One Beacon Street, Boston, MA, United States
Event Description

Climate Adaptation Forum Agenda

Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Report from the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs
Secretary Matthew Beaton, Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs, Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Katie Theoharides, Assistant Secretary of Climate Change, Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs, Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Resilience in Massachusetts Emergency Management
Sarah J. White, State Hazard Mitigation Officer, Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency
Moving from Science to Action: UMass' role in MA Climate Adaptation Efforts
Richard Palmer, Ph.D., University Director, Northeast Climate Science Center, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Modeling the Vulnerability of Transportation Infrastructure to Coastal Flooding Along the Massachusetts Coastline: The good, the bad, and the wicked difficult
Ellen Douglas, P.E., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Hydrology, School for the Environment, University of Massachusetts Boston
Natural Hazards Resiliency - An Insurer's Perspective
Brion Callori, Senior Vice President, Engineering and Research, FM Global
The Forum will conclude with a Panel Discussion.

  • Event type
    • Other

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