
    Retrofit Funding Happy Hour - Hosted by WegoWise, December 8, 4-6 pm, Boston

  • 09 Dec 2016
Event Description

Retrofit Funding Happy Hour - Hosted by WegoWise

Thu, December 8, 4-6 pm

20 Ashburton Place, Suite 401
Boston, MA 02108

Join the Boston multifamily real estate community for a complimentary happy hour on December 8th at 4:30 p.m.

WegoWise is partnering with RENEW Energy Partners to introduce customers to a way to immediately reduce monthly utility bills with no upfront capital.

RENEW’s multi-million dollar capital pool funds and manages the entire energy-efficiency retrofit process for building owners, meaning you only pay for the actual energy savings realized. How does it work? You work with a partnering E-firm of your choosing, and RENEW develops, finances, owns, operates, and maintains the energy efficiency measures in your building or portfolio.

Complimentary light snacks, beer, and wine to be provided.

For more information:

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