
    Passive House Massachusetts Symposium, October 15 @ 9 am - 5pm, Boston

  • 15 Oct 2016
Event Description

Passive House Massachusetts Symposium:
Passive House is Here to Stay

District Hall, in the Innovation District
75 Northern Ave
Boston, MA

The Passive House Massachusetts Symposium addresses the policy, practice and local projects that involve high-performance buildings that either meet the Passive House standard or come very close.

Policy - Speakers will focus on the legislative landscape, and how it can support or hinder our efforts to help high-performance building standard gain traction.

State Senator Will Brownsberger will be a member of a panel on how energy legislation gets made, and how practitioners can best get involved.

Practice - Passive House practitioners will present the best local practices in passive design and construction. A variety of building assemblies and design processes will be discussed.

Projects - Presenters will focus on affordable and multi-family passive projects underway, and completed in New England.

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