
    Passive Design/Build™ Boot Camp, June 24-28, Ft. Collins, Colorado

  • 24 June 2024 To 28 June 2024
  • Event Host : Emu Passive
  • Event Location : Emu’s HQ office is at Innosphere, 320 E Vine Dr #218, Collins, CO, 80521, United States
Passive Design/Build™ Boot Camp: June 24-28, 2024
Event Description

5 days of in-person, hands-on, building science deep dive: Emu's 2d Passive Design/Build Course for North America + 2d Emu's sponsorship-free Passive Pod Workshop + 3hr Exam to become a PHI Certified Passive House Tradesperson (CPHT). 

Days 1 &2: Class – Passive House + Building Science Basics, with a deep dive into Insulation, Thermal Bridges, Fenestration, Retrofits, Airtightness, Moisture, Ventilation, Heating/Cooling. Printed slide deck included and accepted in the open-book CPHT Exam. See full curriculum here.

Day 3 & 4: Passive Pod Workshop – Hands-on application of high-performance products in a brand-neutral setting, including flangeless til-turn window install. Learn the WHY behind building science decisions and test your team’s Passive Pod against the Code Pod. Job role simulation improves team building and communication skills, while simulating Passive House certification

Online: CPHT Exam – 3 hour professional accreditation exam to become a Certified Passive House Tradesperson. NOTE that each Exam date has a corresponding “Tech Check” date, usually about a week before. This is required as confirmation of computer literacy. Learn more about the CPHT Exam.

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • Emu Passive
  • Cost
    • $2,200.00
  • Event type
    • Conference

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