
    Free Online Course (and Series): Air Sealing and Insulating Existing Homes: Developing a Workscope for Attic Efficiency Upgrades, January 25, 9-11AM

  • 25 January 2023
  • Start time : 09:00 AM
  • End time : 11:00 AM
Online, Air Sealing and Insulating Existing Homes: Developing a Workscope for Attic Efficiency Upgrades January 25,
Event Description

Air sealing and insulating are foundational to high-performance homes, with numerous interactive benefits for the home and occupants. The Air Sealing and Insulating Existing Homes series will provide job-ready strategies and techniques for building more durable, healthier, comfortable, and energy-efficient homes.

Work scopes help to achieve specific high-performance outcomes. Contractors who would like to do more comprehensive energy upgrades often state that they would if they could sell the jobs. Sometimes when the job is done customers express that they might have made a different choice now that they are living with the outcome of the project. While consumers often ask for inexpensive, they are typically trying to accomplish a goal when they have a job to be done. The work scope is the bridge to selling more comprehensive upgrades based on meeting specific outcomes.

This webinar is part 1 of a 10-part series:

Part 1 of 10 - January 25, 2023 (9am - 11am)

Part 2 of 10 - February 16, 2023 (9am - 11am)

Part 3 of 10 - February 16, 2023 (1pm - 3pm)

Part 4 of 10 - February 23, 2023 (9am - 11am)

Part 5 of 10 - February 23, 2023 (1pm - 3pm)

Part 6 of 10 - February 28, 2023 (9am - 11am)

Part 7 of 10 - February 28, 2023 (1pm - 3pm)

Part 8 of 10 - March 14, 2023 (8am - 12pm)

Part 9 of 10 - March 28, 2023 (8am - 12pm)

Part 10 of 10 - April 6, 2023 (9am - 11am)


  • Speakers / Presenters
    • Gavin Healy

      In 2006, Gavin Healy co-founded (with Dan Perunko) Balance Point Home Performance a full-service home performance analysis, retrofit, consulting, and training company. Gavin works on new construction design and hands-on installation of the enclosure, mechanical, plumbing, and indoor air quality components based on testable performance outcomes. Gavin designs and delivers full and multi-day courses for California’s Utility Companies (energy training centers), and ACI national and regional conferences.
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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