
    NYPH PHPPv.9 Training (Nov.4/9-5pm/334 Douglass St, BK)

  • 04 Nov 2016
Event Description

Join New York Passive House for PHPPv9: What's New from Version 8 and Why.

With the release of v9, PHPP has undergone its biggest upgrade since 2007. In this 1-day masterclass course, participants will explore the new features and updates of the software. Case studies will enhance and reinforce learning.

Intermediate and advanced PHPP users.


- Learn about the major changes in the latest PHPP software
- Explore the new Primary Energy Renewable assessment method and the new Certification Classes
- Learn how to use the new variants tool to compare different designs in the same PHPP
- Assess the economic viability of whole building designs or individual measures, including step-by-step retrofits measures using the new embedded Economics Calculator
- Discover how to quickly identify and rectify errors in all PHPP worksheets


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