
    Net-Zero Homes in Massachusetts - Sustainability Forum Lunch Seminar, 9/7, 11:30 am - 1pm, Beverly, MA

  • 07 Sep 2016
Event Description

Full Title: Net-Zero Homes; Yes they Can Work in Massachusetts
Speaker: Donald E. Bowen, Jr. PLS, Principal, Meridian Associates, Inc.
September 7, 11:30 am - 1 pm

100 Cummings Center, Suite 221-E
Beverly MA 01915

Don Bowen of Meridian Associates will give us some background on net-zero homes and how they have evolved over the years. Don will briefly present the political, economic, environmental and technical issues that led him to design, build and occupy a net-zero energy home right here in Massachusetts. He will also review the actual energy performance results that he has achieved. We may also follow up this luncheon presentation with an optional tour of the home.

Online Registration:

Online registration closes the day before this event at noon.
While walkins are always welcomed, advance registration helps the Council in planning. The charge for all walkins is $15. Thank you.

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