
    Navigating Net Zero and Carbon Landscape, Part of the First Friday Webinars 2022, March 4, 1 pm ET

  • 4 March 2022
  • Start time : 01:00 PM
  • End time : 02:30 PM
  • Event Host : USGBC Communities
Navigating Net Zero and Carbon Landscape
Event Description

Electrifying buildings is critical to reduce the built environment’s contributions to climate change, but the relationships between electrification, renewables procurement and decarbonization are not always straightforward. Speakers present net zero energy project case studies that explore these relationships and discuss how LEED rating systems can provide a framework for decision-making.

Through the lens of project case studies, this session explores different approaches and contexts for achieving net zero energy and net zero carbon. Presenters examine the relationship between building electrification and decarbonization, present best practices for new construction and existing buildings, and discuss the carbon emissions reductions potential of various forms of renewable energy procurement. The session illustrates how the LEED rating system and LEED Zero certification provide a framework for teams to deliver high-performing projects that achieve zero carbon and zero energy goals.

(Recorded November 2020) Opening host by Mountain Region.


  • Identify key considerations and metrics that designers must address to minimize operational energy use and associated greenhouse gas emissions in buildings.
  • Describe how integration of distributed energy resources at the individual building level can deliver greenhouse gas emissions reductions and support grid-scale decarbonization.
  • Discuss strategies for assessing how investment in off-site renewable energy by individual building projects or portfolios translates into greenhouse gas emissions reductions.
  • Define how synergistic requirements in the LEED v4.1 BD+C rating system and LEED Zero program provide a framework for teams to deliver high-performing projects that achieve zero carbon and zero energy goals.


Other series dates:

4/1/2022 Making the Business Case for Better Materials

5/6/2022 All In for Equity – Shedding Light on the Headlines

6/3/2022 LEED Strategies and Case Studies: Existing Buildings

7/1/2022 LEED for Cities and Communities: A Catalyst for Change in this Decade of Action 

8/5/2022 Celebrating global leadership: The people and projects advancing health and wellness, sustainability, resilience and equity through green building

9/2/2022 Sustainable Transportation

10/7/2022 Future Shock: The Changing Role of Green Building in ESG and Finance

11/4/2022 Implementing LEED v4.1: A Practitioner's Perspective

12/2/2022 Accelerating Building Decarbonization with LEED

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • USGBC Communities
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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