
    Mass Climate Action Network (MCAN) Deer Island Tour, Friday, October 21st, 9:30-11:30 am

  • 21 Oct 2016
Event Description

Mass Climate Action Network (MCAN) Deer Island Tour
Friday, October 21st, 9:30-11:30 am

Join MCAN for a tour of the Deer Island clean energy site, which includes solar, wind, and anaerobic digestion. This is a great opportunity to see clean energy up close and think about what additional on-site clean energy options your town might be able to take advantage of.

Located on a spit of land in Boston Harbor, Deer Island is not only a Sewage Treatment Plant - it is a clean energy powerhouse. In addition to protecting Boston Harbor from pollution (the plant treats waste water from 43 communities in the greater Boston area), Deer Island sources renewable energy from solar panels and wind turbines, as well as an anaerobic digestion facility, all of which will be part of the tour. Click here to check out pictures from our tour over the summer.
HOWEVER, we need signed liability release forms from all attendees by Tuesday, October 11th. Please sign up now if you are interested, and we will send out release forms.

For more information:

Deer Island
190 Tafts Ave
Winthrop, MA 02152
United States

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