
    Lunch and Learn: Electric Vehicles are Coming, October 9, 2018, Minneapolis, MN

  • 9 October 2018
  • Start time : 11:30 AM
  • End time : 01:00 PM
  • Event Location : WSB University, 701 Xenia Ave S #Suite 200, Minneapolis, MN, 55416, United States
Lunch and Learn: Electric Vehicles are Coming
Event Description

Come join us on October 9th for an educational program featuring solutions to incorporate Electric Vehicle (EV) friendly infrastructure into new building designs!

It is clear modern transportation is shifting towards electric and renewable fuel sources at an increasingly rapid pace. EVs consume considerably less energy than traditional engines, and may be considered the ‘LED lights of transportation.’ EVs also divert energy consumption from oil, ultimately making cleaner electric energy use more common and leading us as consumers to power our commutes with renewable energy.

This shift in fuel source presents the opportunity for real estate and the building industry professionals, as our cars will be charged in our homes and workplaces. In this workshop we will talk about how this market is moving forward, more specifically how EV owners use and charge their cars and what kind of infrastructural solutions work in real life.

Plug-in vehicles (PEVs) have a direct impact on energy consumption and air quality, especially in urban areas. This program will focus on understanding the difference between charging infrastructure systems, safety features and location considerations.

The program will also address the fundamental LEED v4 Credit8 requirements and other credits for PEV charging infrastructure, to provide real estate and building industry professionals with the necessary information allowing for PEV charging infrastructure incorporation into upcoming projects.

  • Event type
    • Training

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