
    Impact Investing in CleanTech, Wednesday June 15 6-9 pm

  • 15 Jun 2016
Event Description

Impact Investing in CleanTech
Wednesday, June 15, 2016 - 6 to 9 pm

Massachusetts Clean Energy Center
63 Franklin Street 3rd Floor
Boston , MA 02110

Awareness of climate challenges has been growing in recent years and has changed the behavior of many people, corporations and even countries. The COP 21 Climate Change Agreement in Paris late last year created quite an international effort to "make something happen." Everyone recognizes that the cost to significantly reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions can be quite steep, but as many believe this can be managed. Private investors in addition to many governments have been providing funds to help drive the changes that are necessary. The major concern has been about the impact of these efforts on the economies and jobs across the globe. The recent growth of the solar PV deployment across the globe has shown that solar energy can have grid parity in many situations and further deployment will drive it towards grid parity in many more settings. The really good news has been that the wide scale deployment of solar PV has been accompanied by significant job creation in this industry.

Impact Investors have been focused for many years, on financial returns and other metrics which include job creation and environmental ones.

The focus of this event is to help entrepreneurs and the ecosystem building, providing and deploying clean technologies, better understand Impact Investors and how they influence companies impacting the environment and job creation.

TiE Boston has reached out to experts who are active in the Impact Investing world to provide their special perspectives. The session will also include entrepreneurs who have sought impact investments.

Vivek Soni, Managing Partner, Boston Cleantech Partners


Nancy Rosenzweig, Director, Big Path Capital
Paul Hilton, Portfolio Manager, Trillium Asset Management
Steph Speirs, Co-founder & President, Solstice Initiative
Duane Peterson, Co-President, SunCommon
Chris Reim, Managing Director, CDVCA
Dave Miller, Executive Managing Director, Clean Energy Venture Group
Rob Day, Partner, Black Coral Capital

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