
    Grid Modernization in Massachusetts, USGBC MA, Tuesday January 31, 8:30 am, Boston

  • 31 Jan 2017
Grid Modernization in Massachusetts, USGBC MA, Tuesday January 31, 8:30 am, Boston
Event Description

Grid Modernization in Massachusetts
Tuesday, January 31
8:30 – 10:00 AM EST

USGBC Massachusetts
50 Milk St
18th Floor "Hemingway Room"
Boston, MA 02109

Learn about the electric grid that we see today and opportunities for investment on both the wires’ side and buildings’ side. Where is development is needed, planned, and in process? How do grid modernization technologies stack up against each other? How do smart buildings (green buildings) fit into the grid of the future and what opportunities might there be with time of use metering, energy storage financing, and data management?

Electric vehicles and the demand / support that they can provide with a smart grid will also be an important topic. How is this energy industry transforming? Is analytics as a service going to be a communication with office managers and facility staff or will a cloud-based service possibly control our building? Will batteries be used to level loads on stressed electricity feeders?

How does what happens in Massachusetts compare to progress in other states? California, Texas and Illinois have the lead but what might happen in MA to make our grid the pacesetter?

This is part of the USGBC MA Market Leadership Series where professionals in the room are encouraged to drive the conversation and share their questions and perspective for a robust session.

Advisement: This conversation will be led by Chapter member Ben Pignatelli from the Department of Public Utilities (DPU). Ben's presentation will not reflect the views of the DPU nor will he be able to speak on behalf of the Department. His presentation will outline publicly available information and the science supporting it.

About the Speaker - Ben Pignatelli:

As a technical staff member in the Electric Power Division at the DPU Ben works on regulatory and market issues associated with energy efficiency, grid modernization, and competitive electricity supply. He has evaluated the MassSave program, is reviewing public utility grid modernization plans, and reviews municipal electricity aggregation plans. Ben also manages regulatory relations with electricity supply companies through investigations, licensing, and market animation initiatives. He has held previous roles with the Department of Energy Resources (DOER) and the City of Boston. Ben is a Certified Measurement and Verification Professional (CMVP) and holds an MBA from Boston University and a B.A. from the University of New Hampshire in Political Science.

For more information, and to register:
Tickets: $50 USGBC MA Members, $65 Non-Members

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