
    Greening the Golden State Summit, April 9-10, Sacramento, California

  • 9 April 2018 To 10 April 2018
  • Event Location : Sacramento Convention Center, 1400 J Street, Sacramento, CA, 95814, United States
Greening the Golden State
Event Description

California’s green leadership is more important than ever, nationally and internationally. No other market has a similar potential to seed and promotes the growth of sustainable products and services.

For example:
- The population of California is larger than the population of the entire country of Canada.
- Only five countries produced the last year than did California alone: the U.S., China, Japan, Germany and the United Kingdom.
- California has nearly half of the nation’s solar power generating capacity.
- There are more than 4,500 LEED-certified buildings in California.

Green California Summit is going to take place for two days. This event is for the public and the private sectors and they can learn more about various efforts that will help them reach their desired end to ensure a green future for the Golden State.

  • Event type
    • Conference/Expo

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