
    Party for a Great Cause: Equinox - Vote Solar's Annual Celebration: 3/17, 6 pm, San Francisco

  • 17 Mar 2016
Event Description

Come check out a Great party for a great cause called Equinox located in San Francisco California.

Vote Solar is excited to be honoring U.N. Climate Chief and lead negotiator of the historic Paris agreement Christiana Figueres and California's Senate Leader Kevin de Leon, who championed California's new 50 percent renewable energy goal. We'll also have a special musical guest, Sean Hayes, plus tasty food, full bar and just the right amount of malarkey.

Proceeds directly support Vote Solar's work bringing solar into the mainstream. purchasing your tickets will help deliver more wins like the California net metering victory and the New York shared solar program that helps solar shine for all.

To order your tickets:

The Bently Reserve
301 Battery St
San Francisco

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