
    Free Webinar: Leverage Big Energy Savings with Advances in LED Lighting, March 16, 11am PST / 2pm EST

  • 16 Mar 2017
Free Webinar: Leverage Big Energy Savings with Advances in LED Lighting, March 16, 11am PST / 2pm EST
Event Description

Leverage Big Energy Savings with Advances in LED Lighting
March 16, 11am PST / 2pm EST
Sponsored by: Cree, Inc.
Session: 1 H 30 M
Credits: 1 PDH / 0.1 CEU

We’re at a historic time in the lighting industry that is simply unparalleled. In the last few years, LED technology has increased efficacy levels up to 150LPW in luminaires that helped to deliver reduced power consumption and drive profitable payback solutions. The magic of LED technology, unlike traditional lighting sources, is that it continues to become more efficacious as the technology develops and new discoveries are made. can we continue to push the boundaries of LED lighting for ultra-efficient energy solutions?

Join Jeff Hungarter for a FREE webinar exploring LED lighting technologies, new market trends and DLC efficacy qualifications, and how far continuous advancements in LED technology can take us as we plan for future sustainable buildings.

Learning Objectives:
Analyze the efficacy of LED technology compared to traditional technology today
Learn how continuous improvement in LED technology will benefit how we light our spaces
Gain insight into where LED technology can go and how long it will take us to get there
Examine the latest rebate opportunities, as well as energy and market trends

For registration, please visit:

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