
    FREE Webinar: Integrative Process and Whole Canopy System Solution Design, January 16, 12pm EST

  • 16 January 2020 To 11 January 2020
  • Start time : 12:00 PM
  • End time : 01:00 PM
Whole Canopy System Solution Design
Event Description

Canopy systems are sometimes one of those building elements that gets taken for granted or overlooked, despite the important role they play in providing coverage, shading and reduced heat gain to a building. The integration of these systems with other exterior building systems also often ends up becoming an afterthought, leaving room for potential errors and less-than-ideal scenarios. In this program, we’ll discuss the importance of early consideration and integration of your canopy system in the design process while exploring the various benefits Whole Canopy Solutions provide.

Learning Objectives: 

  1. Discuss the integrative design process and the importance of bringing the canopy manufacturer into the fold earlier in the process (early identification of design
  2. Explain how early integration of stakeholders including the canopy manufacturer encourages a whole system solution, and identify the True Value benefit and sustainability it adds to your project
  3. Address specific design considerations, safety issues and application/installation challenges that will better inform decision making and enable confident specification of a canopy system
  4. Discuss what to look for when specifying a canopy and selecting a manufacturer to work with including product characteristics (strength, weather ability, modular construction) and ability to provide a whole canopy system solution

  • Speakers / Presenters
    • Steve Standridge

      Steve provides continuing education by presenting on the positive environmental impacts of canopy and sun shade systems across the country. He is also responsible for public relations and marketing at MASA, where he runs comprehensive social media networking and campaigns. He also produces MASA’s YouTube videos. Steve’s background is in journalism and media.
  • Sponsors
    • MASA Architectural Canopies
  • Cost
    • FREE Event
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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