
    Free Webinar: Choosing the Right Luminaire, June 4, 9-11:30 am PT

  • 4 June 2024
  • Start time : 09:00 AM
  • End time : 11:30 AM
  • Event Host : Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E)
Free PG&E Webinar:  Choosing the Right Luminaire, June 4
Event Description

This class addresses how to choose a light fixture once you have a lighting concept in place and know something about the field conditions. Three different lighting representatives will walk through their process for choosing appropriate luminaires for given conditions in residential, commercial or institutional buildings. They will demonstrate their thought processes, explain how to read features and options from product specification sheets, and then demonstrate how to narrow down options based on project constraints.

The objective of this course is that at the conclusion, participants will be able to:

  • Characterize a lighting design goal and determine a product type
  • List the features of a lighting fixture or lighting system to meet specific needs
  • Select from among basic fixture options based on spec sheet information
  • Begin a pre-order fixture type and know where to look for more resources

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E)
  • Speakers / Presenters
    • Keena Lucas

      Keena is an experienced lighting professional with a over 25 years experience working in the architecture, design and construction industry. She is also skilled in Computer-Aided Design (CAD), lighting & electrical design, and interior architecture. She has been a lighting controls and sales rep for almost 10 years, providing specification recommendations and technical support for the architecture and design community as well as lighting calculations and lighting recommendations to comply with IES standards and code compliance. Prior to her work as a rep, she was the owner and Principal at Lucas Design, practicing lighting design for both the residential and commercial markets.

      Thomas Burrell

      Thomas has 14 years experience in manufacturing, including over 5 years with local SF lighting manufacturers in both inside and outside sales and 3 years as a lighting rep, currently with 16500. He grew up in Marin, graduating from Novato High before going on to study architecture in college. With extensive vision and ideas, Thomas works closely with specifiers and manufacturers to select products for every type of lighting application. He is passionate about the design community and strives to provide his clients with the best service possible.

      Suzanna Rumon

      Suzanna Rumon has been working in the field of energy conservation and design for several decades. Landing in the universe of lighting in 2007, she has worked for an Electrical Contractor, an LED lighting manufacturer, and two lighting representation firms servicing both the specification and distribution communities. Currently with ALR, Suzanna is excited to be working for a firm with over 130 manufacturers in their lighting design quiver. With a degree in Interior Design and her experience in decorative residential lighting and controls, her passion for helping specifiers comply with Title 24 without sacrificing their design intent is evident in her presentation.

      Linda Sanford

      Linda Sanford is the Senior Lighting Program Coordinator for PG&E’s Energy Centers and is a lighting designer and teacher of lighting as well. She received an Master of Architecture (UCLA) and then an M.Sc. in Lighting (RPI), with a thesis focus on lighting for the elderly. At PG&E’s Energy Centers, she actively manages the content and delivery of lighting classes that increase the adoption of energy efficiency and quality in lighting for buildings and the exterior. She is current President of the San Francisco chapter of the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES). She is an Associate in the IALD (International Association of Lighting Designers) and was LC (Lighting Certified). She has spoken at interior design and lighting conferences and events, and she has published in lighting magazines.
  • Cost
    • FREE Event
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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