
    Expanding Green Roofs in NYC: A Dialogue with the City of Copenhagen (4/20 @ 6:30-8pm @ 40 Washington Sq. South, NYC)

  • 20 Apr 2017
Event Description

Green roofs promote a number of New York City’s environmental policy goals. They can cut a building’s electricity demand, filter harmful urban air pollutants including asthma-inducing particulate matter, provide disadvantaged communities with access to green space, and significantly reduce storm water runoff. Yet, despite their great potential, to date, green roofs are still few and far between in New York. As City policymakers and private actors contemplate the path forward on green roofs, they could benefit from dialogue with individuals from the City of Copenhagen, which was the first Scandinavian city to adopt a mandatory green roof policy. This upcoming event will provide a forum for just such a dialogue. Key questions to be examined include the decision-making process that led Copenhagen to adopt a green roof mandate, the challenges that have been encountered since then, and the extent of the potential for green roof development in New York City. The panel will also examine early experiences with green roofs in New York City and policy reforms that could effectively encourage their proliferation.


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