
    EU Sustainable Energy Week: Lead the Clean Energy Transition, June 5 - 7, 2018, Brussels, Belgium

  • 5 June 2018 To 7 June 2018
  • Event Host : European Commission
  • Event Location : Rue de la Loi 170, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium, Belgium, Belgium
Event Description

The Policy Conference is the most important European conference dedicated to sustainable energy policy issues. Sessions organised by the European Commission and energy stakeholders debate new policy developments, best practices and sustainable energy ideas, while networking events forge alliances. Outstanding projects are recognised at the Award Ceremony.

Public authorities, energy agencies, industry associations, businesses, civil society organisations and the media are all invited to take part in the conference. Past speakers and participants have come from city councils and the European institutions, private companies and research organisations, citizen groups and NGOs.

The high point of EUSEW is the annual Policy Conference featuring leading figures and a diverse programme of sessions and side-events aimed at discussing and shaping Europe's energy future.

The Networking Village in Residence Palace hosts many organisations at the permanent exhibition and the Energy Fair, presentations and speeches at the Energy Talks, a project pitch at the Energy Lab, and One2One matchmaking. It is a key feature of the Policy Conference – a place for the EUSEW Community to exchange ideas.

Two venues host the Policy Conference in Brussels’ Schuman district: the European Commission’s Charlemagne building, and the Residence Palace nearby. The buildings are five minutes apart on foot.

EU Sustainable Energy Awards are presented during the Policy Conference. The Awards recognise outstanding innovation in renewable energy and energy efficiency and provide a platform for the best European projects in the field.

Organised throughout Europe by public and private organisations, Energy Days encourage citizens and stakeholders to discover and debate the major issues driving the transition to sustainable energy.

There is no official deadline. The only requirement is that your Energy Day takes place during May and June 2018 and that you submit it on time to benefit from greater visibility at the EU Sustainable Energy Week itself (4-8 June).

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • European Commission
  • Event type
    • Conference

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