
    Energy, Efficiency & The Environment - July 20, Salem, MA

  • 20 Jul 2016
Event Description

Energy, Efficiency & The Environment

July 20th
5 - 8 PM

Salem Five Community Room
210 Essex St
Salem, MA

Find out how you can make your home more energy efficient through the use of green technologies and renewable energy. Make your home more efficient, valuable and better for the environment. Be green, and make some green too!

Endless Energy, Coastal Windows & Exteriors and Healthy Home Healthy Planet, will show you how you can take advantage of incentives to implement affordable programs that could potentially result in a positive net energy home.

In addition to making homes more sustainable, we can work together to save our planet, which will be better for today and future generations. There will be presentations/information by Citizen’s Climate Lobby, Salem Sound Coastwatch, SalemRecycles and SAFE (Salem Alliance for the Environment) and other community leaders.


350MA North Shore Node

Coastal Windows & Exteriors

Citizen's Climate Lobby

Healthy Home Healthy Planet

Salem Alliance for the Environment

Salem Sound Coastwatch


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