
    "Dear President Obama" Film Screening in Albany (7/21)

  • 21 Jul 2016
Event Description

Food for Thought: "Dear President Obama: Film Screening
July 21ST: 7-9 pm

The Linda
WAMC's Peforming Arts Studio
339 Central Avenue
Albany, NY 12206

The film takes a cross-country look at drilling, highlighting its variety of contaminations, the stories of its victims, the false promise of an economic boom, with a focus on clean energy solutions that would allow us to proceed towards a future that does not rely on yet another dirty fossil fuel extraction process. Interviews with scientists, economists, health professionals, geologists and whistle-blowers provide the core information we think will convince the current President and those that will follow to join the “anti-drilling” majority growing across the United States and call for fossil fuels to be left where they belong, in the ground.

An Oceans 8 Film, Written and Directed by Jon Bowermaster and Narrated by Mark Ruffalo.

Food For Thought is a monthly evening of food, film and discussion with a focus on films of social, political, environmental and community interest. Held on the third Thursday of each month, the night will feature food samples by Honest Weight Food Co-op, music by Jack Empie, a feature film screening, and an open panel discussion.

Fee: $8

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