
    Catalyzing Community Solar in the Northeast - Thursday, June 9, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

  • 09 Jun 2016
Event Description

Boston National Community Solar Partnership
Catalyzing Community Solar in the Northeast

Thursday, June 09 -
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM

EPA Region 1 Headquarters
5 Post Office Square Suite 100
Boston , MA 02109

This event is free.

Community solar is emerging as a promising approach to accelerate the deployment of solar in the US. The National Community Solar Partnership – a growing group of over 100 leading businesses, nonprofits and government agencies spearheaded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) – will be holding four regional workshops focused on furthering community solar.

You are invited to attend the regional workshop for the eastern US – hosted in partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy’s SunShot Initiative and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection.

Join national experts, state and local officials, industry representatives, utility providers, environmental justice advocates, and other key players to share success stories, discuss common challenges and goals, and offer troubleshooting advice. The group will also identify strategies to catalyze community solar projects and engage low and moderate income households in your region and beyond.

The program, designed and delivered by the DOE and Institute for Sustainable Communities, will include a mix of presentations, panels, and breakout sessions intended to engage participants in active dialogue with each other. Attendees will be active participants in identifying pressing problems and finding crosscutting solutions to further deployment of community shared solar throughout the region.

For more information:

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