
    Build a Better House Training: HVAC Course, February 10, Auburn, ME, 7:30am-5:30pm ET

  • 10 February 2023
  • Start time : 07:30 AM
  • End time : 05:30 PM
  • Event Host : Maine Indoor Air Quality Council
  • Event Location : 1250 Turner St, Auburn, ME, 04210, United States
HVAC, energy efficiency, indoor air quality, Maine
Event Description

During the Maine Indoor Air Quality Council, participants will learn how to optimize energy efficiency measures as well as minimize the risk of moisture and indoor air quality problems in new and existing homes. The trainings further emphasize this critical concept: high performance homes are not hard to construct, and the extra efficiency measures have a very reasonable payback – both for the builder and the homeowner.

The workshops include illustrations of current Building and Energy Codes (IECC 2015, IRC 2015, ASHRAE 62.2 2016, and ASTM E-1465-2008); Energy Star Guidelines; Zero Energy Ready Guidelines; and Passiv-Haus Guidelines. They further provide an introduction to basic building science and IAQ principles, and incorporate humor to convey the core concepts. The program trainers William A. Turner and David Johnston, provide a perfect blend of building science technique with practical, pound-the-nails guidance.

At each session, participants will learn:

  • Proven cost-effective and energy efficient building construction techniques
  • The physical processes that require attention: how air, moisture, and heat move in and out of a home
  • Practical strategies to effectively and economically address both energy efficiency and indoor air quality
  • Case studies from actual projects (participants are encouraged to bring issues to the sessions)
  • Specific references and resources, such as Codes and Standards; DOE’s Building America Solutions Center,  EPA’s Energy Star with IAQ Plus Sites, Passive Haus; Net-Zero Ready Homes; Aging in Place; and private publications

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • Maine Indoor Air Quality Council
  • Event type
    • Training

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