
    Bridge to 2030: Grid to Green Energy Purchasing, Pittsburgh, November 29

  • 29 November 2017
  • Start time : 03:00 PM
  • End time : 06:00 PM
  • Event Location : Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Bridge to 2030: Grid to Green Energy Purchasing, Pittsburgh, November 29
Event Description

The Bridge to 2030 educational series invites the entire Pittsburgh built environment community to go deep on topics integral to the Pittsburgh 2030 District – energy, water, transportation, indoor air quality, and financing.

What You’ll Learn:
How does energy get to your building, particularly in a deregulated market like Pennsylvania?
What is the process for energy procurement, with and without renewables?
Are renewable energy certificates right for your organization?
Get information on these topics and more at Grid to Green Energy Purchasing

  • Speakers / Presenters
    • Lindsay Baxter, Program Manager, Pennsylvania Environmental Council
      How does energy get from the generation source to your building? What is PJM Interconnection and how does it work? How can you decarbonize the energy used in your building? Get the technical foundation to understand how energy works in Pennsylvania.

      Robin Cunningham, Green Products Specialist, WGL Energy
      How does the typical procurement process work? How does the process change when you include renewable energy certificates (RECs) or other renewable options? How can you spur the development of new solar projects with your purchase? Get the supplier-side perspective on energy procurement.

      Marty Altschul, University Engineer, Carnegie Mellon University
      Carnegie Mellon University has made a big commitment to renewables in their energy purchases. Learn why RECs were the right choice for CMU, the questions they asked going through the process, and where the program is likely to go in the future.
  • Event type
    • Training

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