
    Break Free From Fossil Fuels, Albany, May 14th (Training Starts May 13)

  • 14 May 2016
Event Description

Break Free From Fossil Fuels is a two-week global wave of escalated action to keep coal, oil + gas in the ground.

"In Albany, on May 14th, 2016, thousands of people will stand in the way of the fossil fuel industry in North America. The New York State Capital has been a key center for fossil fuel distribution and bad decisions for our economy and our futures, against the wishes of the people of the City of Albany.

Representing a coalition of communities and organizations across the north-east, we will gather for an act of mass civil disobedience against oil trains, fracked gas pipelines, and other fossil fuel projects, while standing with frontline communities like Ezra Prentice Homes and others within the oil train blast zone. Many of us will participate in direct action and many more will come to rally and stand in solidarity. How you participate is up to you, but we are asking you to please be there.

Event Schedule:

Friday May 13th 6PM – Mass Action Training – St. John’s Church, 94 Herkimer St, Albany. Parking available at the Department of Motor Vehicles at 260 Pearl St.

Saturday May 14th:

10AM – Gather in Lincoln Park, between Morton and Park Ave. We will be welcomed and addressed as to the details of the day.
11AM – March from Lincoln Park to the Port of Albany.
12Noon – Take action to Keep It In The Ground and Stop the Bomb Trains at the Port of Albany. There will be clear opportunities for those willing to risk arrest and for others to rally in support.
The main activities of the day will wrap up by 6PM or when arrests are made, whichever comes first.

For more information and to RSVP:

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