
    Boston’s Changing Neighborhoods How You Can Impact Your Community’s Future - February 4, 6-8 pm

  • 04 Feb 2016
Event Description

Thursday, February 4, 2016 | 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
The Bolling Building in Dudley Square, just steps from the Silver Line
2300 Washington Street, Roxbury, MA 02119

Boston is experiencing unprecedented levels of development and growth, and our neighborhoods are changing rapidly as a result. In addition to substantial changes to the streetscape, communities throughout the city are experiencing population growth and shifting demographics.

Join us for a conversation and Q&A session about what these changes mean for Boston’s neighborhoods, and how you can preserve your community’s character while embracing the future. Keynote speaker Lance Freeman will address factors that contribute to neighborhood change, including displacement, revitalization and the central role of preservation in maintaining vibrant neighborhoods.

No registration is required.
For questions call us at 617-367-2458 ext. 205 or email

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