
    3rd South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environmental Systems, June 30 - 3 July, Novi Sad, Serbia

  • 30 June 2018 To 3 July 2018
  • Event Location : Hotel Park Novi Sad, Novosadskog Sajma 35, Novi Sad, 21000, Serbia and Montenegro
3rd South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environmental Systems,  June 30 - 3 July, Novi Sad, Serbia
Event Description

The main challenge for South East Europe (SEE) economies is to commit to, and sustain the implementation of, long-term reforms aimed at increasing competitiveness and promoting sustainable, inclusive and balanced development, as well as better integration between the EU Member States, candidate and potential candidate countries and neighbouring countries.

An adequate response to this challenge will certainly require using the best available scientific knowledge and constant re-evaluation of the development process in light of the scientific findings.

Therefore, a series of biannual Sustainable Development of Energy Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES) conferences have been initiated to provide a venue for the researchers from the SEE region, but also for world-wide researchers and specialists and those interested in learning about the sustainability of development, to present research progress and to discuss the state of the art, the future directions and priorities in the various areas of sustainable development and regional integration.

  • Event type
    • Conference/Expo

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