
    26th Annual Environmental Film Festival in the Nation’s Capital (DCEFF), Mar 15-25, Washington DC

  • 15 March 2018 To 25 March 2018
  • Event Location : Various Locations, Washington, DC, United States
26th Annual Environmental Film Festival in the Nation’s Capital (DCEFF), Mar 15-25, Washington DC
Event Description

The Environmental Film Festival in the Nation’s Capital (DCEFF) is the world’s premier showcase of environmentally themed films. Since 1993 our mission has been to celebrate Earth and inspire understanding and stewardship of the environment through the power of film.

Each March in Washington DC, we present 100+ films to audiences of more than 30,000. Filmmaker and topical discussions are an important part of our events which happen at museums, embassies, libraries, universities and local theaters throughout the city. We also present a year-round screening series and community events.

Many of our screenings are free, and our Washington, DC location offers the unique opportunity for films and filmmakers to reach national and international lawmakers and decision-makers. Our impact continues to grow both in DC and beyond.

DCEFF is the largest green film festival in the world; the longest-running in the United States.

  • Event type
    • Festival

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