
    2024 Next Generation Water Summit, June 20-21, Hybrid Event Online and in Santa Fe, New Mexico

  • 20 June 2024 To 21 June 2024
  • Event Host : City of Santa Fe
  • Event Location : 201 W. Marcy St, Santa Fe, NM, 87501, United States
2024 Next Generation Water Summit
Event Description

The theme of the 2024 Next Generation Water Summit is "Solutions in a Changing World."

The Next Generation Water Summit brings together the building and development community, water reuse professionals and water policymakers in a collaborative setting to share best practices and learn about innovative water conservation and water reuse techniques that can be used to comply with water conservation restrictions spreading across the southwest.

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • City of Santa Fe
  • Agenda
    • Thursday Keynote:
      Solutions in a Changing World
      David Sedlak, Author & Professor, UC Berkeley

      Grim news reports—of empty reservoirs, withering crops, failing ecosystems—need not be cause for despair, argues award-winning author David Sedlak. Sedlak identifies the challenges that society faces, including ineffective policies and outdated infrastructure, and the myriad of tools at our disposal—from emerging technologies in desalination to innovations for recycling wastewater and capturing more of the water that falls on fields and cities. He offers an informed and hopeful approach for rethinking our assumptions about the way that water is managed. With this knowledge we can create a future with clean, abundant, and affordable water for all.

      Friday Keynote:
      Journey to Water Conservation
      Gary Klein, President, Gary Klein & Associates

      Reflecting on his journey into the field of water conservation and efficiency, Gary Klein draws inspiration from experiences in Lesotho, the California Energy Commission, and others. In many parts of the world, water conservation is driven by necessity not by desire. Yet across the United States, millions of gallons of water and BTUs of energy are lost due to structural and behavioral waste. Gary offers a retrospective on how he became interested in the potential for a more water efficient future.

      Additional Session Topics Include:

      - Envisioning a Water Future: Modular, Adaptive and Decentralized
      - Commercial Water Efficiency
      - Potable Rainwater Harvesting - The Real Science
      - Water Use in a Commercial Greenhouse
      - WERS, EPA and HERSH2o Outdoor Water Use - What is the Difference
      - Building Commercial Net Zero Water
      - Accelerating Water Wise Landscape Transformation in the Colorado River Basin
      - Taking Water Seriously
      - Water-Energy-Carbon Footprint: A Case Study
      - Educating the Next Generation
      - Career Pathways Program Administrator, Santa Clara Valley Water District
      - New Residential Water Savings: Theoretical to Practical
      - Water and Energy Savings from the Demand Calculator
      - Components of a Great Water Conservation Program
      - AI Potential in Water: From Action to Control
      - Blackwater to Potable - A Regulator's View of The Next Big Push
      - Why WERS? Why Now?
  • Event type
    • Conference

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