
    What is the Risk Associated with Carbon Targets? Free Hybrid Event, in Boston and Online, January 19, 12 - 1 pm

  • 19 January 2023
  • Start time : 12:00 PM
  • End time : 01:00 PM
  • Event Host : Boston University Impact Measurement & Allocation Program
What is the risk associated with carbon targets?
Event Description

This research project will help investors determine the risk associated with corporations achieving their future carbon targets.

As corporations and investment firms both commit to targets for reducing their carbon emissions, there is growing desire to understand the risk associated with these future target statements. Whether or not a firm achieves its emissions targets can not only place its reputation at risk, but also that of those along it’s supply chain, including their investors. Current and future policies aimed at pricing climate externalities, mean that corporate climate performance can have a material impact on financial performance. Yet, the lack of reliable metrics to capture these risks pose severe challenges. This project aims to develop a novel methodology to predict the likelihood of achieving future corporate carbon targets. It will also publish an open database of the resulting risk measures for those companies that we analyze.


About Boston University's Impact Measurement & Allocation Program (IMAP):

The IMAP seeks to foster collaboration on its research projects both across various academic departments, and between academics and industry professionals.  One way in which the program encourages such interactions is via monthly lunch seminars.  Those who join, either in-person or via web, should not expect to simply watch anonymously, but rather engage in the discussion and meet others interested in similar topics.

What: A monthly lunchtime presentation and discussion of IMAP-relevant research
Who: academics and industry professionals
Why: To promote interdisciplinary exchange of ideas around ESG challenges and ensure academic research is informed-by and relevant-to industry
Where: A hybrid of in-person on the BU campus and via zoom


  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • Boston University Impact Measurement & Allocation Program
  • Speakers / Presenters
    • Nalin Kulatilaka, Director IMAP
      Susan Fredholm Murphy, Executive Director IMAP
      Alicia Zhang, PhD Candidate
  • Cost
    • FREE Event
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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