
    Webinar: Opportunities for Hydrogen in the Northeast, Presented by NECEC, September 22, 9-11 am EDT

  • 22 September 2020
  • Start time : 09:00 AM
  • End time : 11:00 AM
Hydrogen in the Northeast
Event Description

NECEC will convene stakeholders from the hydrogen industry to discuss the opportunities and challenges of developing a hydrogen economy.

As states in the Northeast increase their climate goals to be net zero by 2050, all are analyzing how they can get there and looking at alternative scenarios. Many reports are revealing that even with offshore wind, solar, long-duration storage, and electrification of vehicles and some building heat, there will still be gaps in providing clean energy for both consumer and commercial transportation, some energy intensive industrial processes, and building heating.

With news coming from around the world about the increasing feasibility of hydrogen to be cost competitive with other zero carbon solutions, it is worth asking the question “Is hydrogen technology mature enough to help the Northeast reach its GHG emission reduction goals?”

NECEC will convene stakeholders in all aspects of the hydrogen industry from both the public and private sector to discuss the opportunities and challenges of developing the infrastructure for a local green hydrogen economy. We’ll hear from industry leaders about case studies from other parts of the world and learn lessons about what is working and what is not, about appropriate steps in building up a green hydrogen economy, and how the public sector is working in partnership with private investors and industry to build out early projects.

Given the concerns for health and welfare in the current environment, the event will be virtual.

  • Agenda
    • 9:00 am - Welcome remarks

      -Peter Rothstein, NECEC
      -Bart Biebuyck, Executive Director Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking
      -Melanie Kenderdine, Principal, Energy Futures Initiative (Invited)

      9:45 am - Panel Discussion

      Panel moderator - NECEC Staff
      -Matthew Blieske, Global Hydrogen Product Manager, Shell
      -Roger Kranenburg, VP Energy Strategy & Policy, Eversource Energy
      -Lydia Li, Investment Professional at Generate Capital
      -Katie Dykes, Commissioner at Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
      (Other speakers to be announced)

      10:45am - Q&A
      11:00am - Closing
  • Cost
    • FREE Event
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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