
    Online: USGBC Federal Advocacy in Action, July 14, 2-3 PM EDT

  • 14 July 2021
  • Start time : 02:00 PM
  • End time : 03:00 PM
  • Event Host : USGBC
USGBC Federal Advocacy in Action
Event Description

Join USGBC for an advocacy webinar on July 14 at 2 pm ET. It’s shaping up to be a big year for federal investment in green building. Perhaps more than any previous administration, the Biden White House is prioritizing investments in sustainable homes and buildings and has developed a broad outline for accomplishing its goals through the American Jobs Plan infrastructure package.

The plan includes investment in federal buildings, as well as critical facilities such as health care, local government and school buildings. In addition, it calls for building and retrofitting more than 2 million homes and commercial buildings.

There are lots of moving parts as bipartisan negotiations continue over the scale of the package alongside contingency plans for a potential party-line bill with only Democratic support. By mid-July, things will have progressed, one way or the other. Hear from USGBC and some of our members on the Administration’s initiatives, where Congress stands, and much more to learn how USGBC is working for you at the federal level and learn about new ways you can get involved.

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • USGBC
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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