
    Massachusetts & the Internet of Things - Wednesday, June 8th, 2016 - 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

  • 08 Jun 2016
Event Description

Massachusetts & the Internet of Things
Wednesday, June 8th, 2016 - 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM

Boston Convention and Exhibition Center
415 Summer St
Boston, Massachusetts
United States

MassTLC is hosting a conference on the Internet of Things (Iot) and are bringing in companies that have developed, tested and deployed a range of smart devices into the market place to help create a more interconnected world. The conference will showcase how companies have brought their connected products to the market, the potential of the IoT and what it all means for the future.

Panelists include:
Colin Angle, CEO, iRobot
Jim Heppelmann, CEO, PTC
Prof. Michael Porter, Harvard Business School

Fees: Those interested about the IoT and want to go to the event can get a ticket as a MassTLC member for $125 and as a non-members a ticket is $225

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