
    Live Seminar: Tiny Houses - A Sustainable, Eco-Friendly and Affordable Housing Solution, June 29, Oakland, CA

  • 29 June 2018
  • Start time : 01:30 PM
  • End time : 03:30 PM
Event Description

A Tiny Solution to a Big Housing Crisis
California is experiencing major affordable housing crisis. Are tiny houses a partial answer to this problem?

The tiny house movement is no longer a fad, but becoming an integral part of housing offerings and opportunities. Communities throughout the U.S. are amending their building and zoning codes to permit tiny house units in both tiny house villages and as accessory dwelling units.

How is California embracing tiny homes?

We are pleased to offer a seminar by the California Chapter Leader of the American Tiny House Association, Daniel R. Fitzpatrick, to help us better understand tiny homes for California.

The session will discuss the tiny houses as an affordable and eco-friendly alternative to conventional housing and provide background and insight into the following:

California’s housing crisis and the role tiny houses may play in providing affordable housing
Brief history of the tiny house movement and current tiny unit options
Tiny houses as ecofriendly, sustainable and affordable housing
Tiny houses as accessory dwelling units (ADU): major changes in state law to permit more ADU’s
Building codes and tiny homes: Evolution of International Residential Code (IRC) code for construction of tiny houses and application of ANSI and HUD manufactured housing code standards for movable tiny house
Real estate issues for tiny houses and various types of tiny units as both standalone and ADU housing
Legal and regulatory issues in siting tiny houses and movable tiny houses in California communities
Amending local government municipal code to provide for tiny living units both as ADU’s and tiny villages as infill affordable housing opportunities
June 29, 2018
1:30 pm-3:30 pm
Registration: $135

  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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