
    July 16th: Build a Bog Bridge Training and Workday

  • 16 Jul 2016
Event Description

Join the Nature Conservancy in New Hampshire for their Build a Bog Bridge Training and Workday!

ABOUT THE EVENT: The bog bridges in the Manchester Cedar Swamp are in dire need of a facelift! The Nature Conservancy in New Hampshire is hosting a training and workday at the Manchester Cedar Swamp. Join them and learn how to build and maintain some of the most distinctive pieces of trail architecture that keeps your feet dry in even the soggiest swamps. They need beginners and skilled hands alike to help them rebuild many of their broken bridges out among one of New Hampshire's largest beautiful and rare Atlantic white cedar stands. They hope you can join them for a day in a truly unique and special place!

WHAT TO BRING: Water proof footwear, bug spray, water, lunch and work gloves. Youth Volunteers? They ask that their 18 and under volunteers bring a guardian, the more the merrier!

WHEN: Saturday, July 16, 2016, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

WHERE: the Manchester Cedar Swamp in Manchester, NH: Trailhead Parking Lot on Countryside Blvd
Manchester, NH 03102

QUESTIONS? Contact Whitney Bushey at or (603) 659-2678 Ext 10


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