
    Introduction to WELL Building Standard, USGBC MA, September 18, 8-11am, Boston, MA

  • 18 September 2018
  • Start time : 08:00 AM
  • End time : 11:00 AM
  • Event Host : USGBC Massachusetts
  • Event Location : USGBC Massachusetts, 50 Milk St, 5th Floor "Meridian" Conf Room, Boston, MA, 02109, United States
Well Building Standard
Event Description

The Introduction to the WELL Building Standard provides an overview of the WELL Building Standard ideology, structure, and certification process. The medical basis for the concept categories is introduced along with design and construction strategies to create healthy buildings. This training will introduce how to reinvent buildings that are better for both people and the planet using the WELL Building Standard as the framework.


-Articulate the financial, societal, and environmental benefits of WELL certification
-Identify the role of the International Well Building Institute and the WELL Building Standard
-Recognize the structure of the WELL Building Standard
-Explain the 7 concepts of the WELL Building standard, the strategies to achieve them, and the health impacts they address
-Summarize the certification process of the WELL Building Standard

If you are interested in having this session count towards your LEED credential, please self-report at and use GBCI: 0920003583 when referring to the session.

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • USGBC Massachusetts
  • Speakers / Presenters
    • Jenn Taranto

      Jenn Taranto, WELL AP, has over 15 years experience in the commercial real estate and construction industry. Jenn serves as Structure Tone’s Director of Sustainability, a key component of the team on any project. Her ability to manage and lead subcontractors through the LEED and WELL process comes from her previous background as a superintendent and a project manager. Jenn understands the importance of creating awareness at the early stages of the project with the subcontractors in order to succeed in meeting the client’s sustainability goals. Additionally, she understands the importance of being an active partner during the preconstruction integrated design process on projects that have sustainable goals.
  • Cost
    • FREE Event
  • Event type
    • Training

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