
    High Performance Ventilation Systems for Homes: EnergizeCT, Free Online Workshop, October 11 (Pt I) & October 17 (Pt II)

  • 11 October 2022
  • Event Host : CTGBC - Connecticut Green Building Council
High Performance Ventilation Systems for Homes
Event Description

As new home envelopes have become more and more airtight, most in the homebuilding industry have come to understand that proper ventilation is critical. But how much air do we need and what systems should we install? This workshop will discuss the health impacts of ventilation, different ventilation rates and explore various ventilation systems: pros and cons, costs and benefits, and tips for installing the best systems for your project.

By the end of this module attendees will be able to:
• Understand the principles of air movement and ventilation
• List the ventilation code and standard requirements
• Identify various types of heat recovery ventilation equipment
• Recognize the occupant and building issues resulting from inadequate ventilation
• Develop a successful ventilation system upgrade/integration plan


*This is a 2- Part Workshop:

Part I, October 11
Part II, Octover 17

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • CTGBC - Connecticut Green Building Council
  • Speakers / Presenters
    • Scott Pusey, Principal Sustainability Consultant of Steven Winter Associates, Inc.
  • Cost
    • FREE Event
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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