
    Green California Schools and Community Colleges - 10th Anniversary, November 2-3

  • 02 Nov 2016
Event Description

Schools play a vital role in creating a greener future. They will likely be the first place most students encounter determined efforts to conserve energy and water or to reduce waste. They can help students understand the relationships between human needs and activities and the ecosystems on which all life forms depend.

California has long been on the leading edge of the green schools movement; it was here that the nation’s first green building rating program for K-12 schools was created. Through the Education and the Environment Initiative, the state created the country's first K-12 environmental literacy curriculum.

The first - and the largest - statewide green school event, the Summit celebrates its tenth anniversary in 2016. It provides a unique opportunity for leaders from the nation's largest public education system to discover new ways to create healthy, efficient learning environments.

The range of benefits from high performance facilities is great, from cost savings that can free up funds for core needs to improved student performance. Districts that have made a strong commitment to sustainability have also earned respect and gratitude from the communities they serve.

Through an Expo featuring green products and services, concurrent education sessions, keynote presentations and an annual Leadership Awards program, the Summit offers a unique opportunity to discover what's new, what is working and what is on the horizon.

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