
    Free PG&E Webinar: Energy Resiliency 101, April 21, 10am-12pm

  • 21 April 2023
  • Start time : 10:00 AM
  • End time : 12:00 PM
  • Event Host : PG&E
Free PG&E Webinar: Energy Resiliency 101, April 21
Event Description

This course will provide an understanding of energy resiliency and it’s importance in the face of extreme weather events and stress on the utility grid. It will cover important considerations when screening non-residential buildings for energy resiliency and provide an overview of technological solutions that can make buildings more resilient.

At the same that California is facing extreme heat and wildfires due to climate change that are placing stress on the grid, it is undertaking a major initiative toward electrification in an effort to meet decarbonization goals. This course will discuss how electrifying end use technologies contributes to energy resiliency and decarbonization.

The course will also provide background on the most recent CPUC rulings that drive PG&E’s energy-resiliency related incentive programs; and will review available tax credits for project finance especially in light of changes implemented by the newly passed Inflation Reduction Act. Finally, it will provide links to PG&E resources on resiliency and interconnection. 

In summary, this course will provide commercial facility managers and their service providers an overview of energy resiliency, the importance of resiliency, and how to plan for resiliency in their buildings.

The objective of this course is that at the conclusion, participants will be able to:

- Discuss energy resiliency and the importance it plays in California, including PSPS events and their role in mitigating wildfires.

- Explain important considerations when analyzing buildings for energy resiliency, such as site location characteristics, energy use, and the benefits of energy efficiency as the first step.

- Recognize how electrifying end use technologies contributes to energy resiliency and decarbonization

- Compare the various technologies available and how they work together to provide energy resiliency, such as energy efficiency, renewable generation, energy storage, and control systems.

- Be aware of the most recent CPUC rulings and how they drive the requirements and availability for PG&E's energy resiliency-related incentive programs.

- Leverage SGIP incentives, available tax credits, and PG&E resources on resiliency and interconnection when implementing energy resiliency solutions.

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • PG&E
  • Agenda
    • - Introduction and safety message
      - Definition of and need for energy resiliency
      - Resiliency screening for non-residential customers
      - Energy resiliency and electrification
      - Energy resilient technological solutions
      - CPUC rulings and proceedings promoting resiliency
      - Non-residential self generation incentive program (SGIP) incentives promoting resiliency
      - Tax credits
      - PG&E resources on resiliency and interconnection
  • Speakers / Presenters
    • Dara Salour

      Mr. Salour has 32 years of experience in the energy industry, and currently manages AESC’s distributed generation practice. As part of his program management responsibilities, he oversees application reviews and inspections for the SGIP and CSI Thermal Program. Mr. Salour has worked with local and state governments to plan and scope energy resiliency solutions including energy efficiency, microgrids, interconnection hubs, and back-up generation.
  • Cost
    • FREE Event
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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