
    Women Revolutionizing the Face of Energy, Wednesday June 15, 5:30 - 8:30 pm

  • 15 Jun 2016
Event Description

Women Revolutionizing the Face of Energy
Wednesday June 15, 5:30 - 8:30 pm

IEEE PES Women in Power and EnerNOC are excited to host a panel event at the EnerNOC Corporate Headquarters in Boston on June 15th from 5:30PM-8:00PM: Women Revolutionizing the Face of Energy. Come hear and meet five distinguished panel speakers from various sectors of the energy industry who are revolutionizing the face of energy. The panelists will share their career experiences while leading major industry developments. There will be opportunity for questions and networking following the panel session.

Working professionals and students, men and women, are invited to attend this event, which will also include beverages and hors d'oeuvres.

Marcy Reed – Massachusetts Jurisdiction President, National Grid

Ayse Coskun – ECE Professor, Boston University
Pia Kristiansen – Senior Manager of Utility Product Marketing, EnerNOC
Carol Sedewitz – VP Asset Management, National Grid
Carissa Sedleck – Director, Resource Adequacy - System Planning, ISO-NE
Sarah Finnie Robinson – Founding Partner, WeSpire

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