
    ASU Webinar: Why Companies Should Care About Biodiversity, Wed, Jan 18, 1:15 - 2:45pm EST

  • 18 Jan 2017
ASU Webinar: Why Companies Should Care About Biodiversity, Wed, Jan 18, 1:15 - 2:45pm EST
Event Description

Webinar: Why Companies Should Care About Biodiversity
Arizona State University Security and Sustainability Forum
Wed, Jan 18, 1:15 - 2:45pm EST

Corporations engage in sustainable practices for reasons beyond creating a positive public image. Sustainability practices can also improve profitability and help them comply with emerging regulations. Many companies look outside their own doors for help in making smart choices and maximizing the impact of those choices.

Join SSF and Arizona State University's School of Sustainability in a free webinar about how biodiversity thinking benefits companies. The Center brings together individuals and groups - from academia, nonprofit, policy, and corporate sectors - to achieve common goals of conservation biodiversity and sustainable management of natural resources in the 21st century.

The session will be led by Leah Gerber, Director of the Center for Biodiversity Outcomes at Arizona State University.


Gabriella Burian is Senior Director, Sustainable Development at Monsanto, responsible for company and key stakeholders integration with Sustainable Agriculture approaches.

Jen Molnar is a scientific leader in incorporating nature into human decisions at the corporate and policy level. She is managing director and lead scientist of The Nature Conservancy's new Center for Sustainability Science.

Beth Polidoro is an assistant professor of Environmental Chemistry in ASU's School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, and is the Associate Director of Research at ASU's Center for Biodiversity Outcomes.

Mark Weick directs Dow Chemical's coordinated planning and implementation of the 2025 Sustainability Goals, as well as sustainability integration across the company.

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