
    Webinar: The Business of Risk: Climate and Resilience, Wed, Jan 11, 1:15 - 2:15 PM EST

  • 11 Jan 2017
Event Description

Webinar: The Business of Risk: Climate and Resilience
Wed, Jan 11, 1:15 - 2:15 PM EST

Climate change poses serious and novel risks to businesses of all types and sizes–from supply chain disruptions, to changes in national and international regulation, to shifting expectations of employees and customers.

Moderated by Dr. Ann Goodman, author of Adapting to Change: The Business of Climate Resilience, this webinar will explore the implications of climate risk for business. Experts from among the companies most advanced in resilience thinking will share their views of how climate risk has changed their firms’ products, services, and ways of doing business—and how to weigh the costs of acting on climate against the risks of not preparing.

Ann Goodman is the author of Adapting to Change: The Business of Climate Resilience, which explores emerging business approaches to climate resilience. She is a Faculty Affiliate at CUNY Advanced Science Research Center (ASRC)’s, Environmental Sciences Initiative. She has 25 years of international experience in the intersecting fields of business, sustainability, climate, risk assessment, strategic resilience planning– as an executive, entrepreneur, communicator and educator.


Lou Ferretti is the IBM project executive for developing and leading global and strategic risk programs across IBM's global supplier network including Environmental Compliance, Supply Chain Social Responsibility, Conflict Minerals, Risk Management, Business Continuity Planning and Sustainability.

Bruce Schlein is a Director in Citi's Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Strategy group, where he develops clean energy solutions for low and moderate income households and communities, He recently transitioned from Citi's Alternative Energy Finance (AEF) group in Capital Markets Origination.

Jay L. Bruns is a Seattle-based independent consultant on sustainability. Until recently, he was Vice President for Public Policy and Environment Champion at The Hartford, one of the largest and oldest insurance companies in the U.S.

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