
    Webinar: Re-Defining Safe, Healthy, and Accessible Homes for All - USGBC Colorado, May 27, 11:45 am

  • 27 May 2020
  • Start time : 11:45 AM
  • End time : 01:00 PM
  • Event Host : USGBC - Colorado
Safe, Healthy, and Accessible Homes for All
Event Description

Many states are facing serious housing shortages on multiple different fronts including affordable, efficient, age-friendly, and accessible housing. The development of healthy, thriving built environments requires inter-generational, diverse communities with healthy places for all to live, play, and have purpose. Homes are the heart of the community and hubs of our lives, but they often do not fully support and evolve with us as our needs change throughout our lives. Studies on the social determinants of health and the take-off of new health, equity and wellness standards for the built environment, such as upcoming changes to LEED and the WELL building standard, mean that we know more now than ever about how our environments and choices can affect the length and quality of our lives. What if we could use this knowledge to create and renovate better homes that help us live our best lives, changing and evolving with us to help us thrive at every stage of life?

In this session, strategies, guidelines and criteria will be explored for the development of homes and communities that promote safer, healthier, and happier lives for all in Colorado. A certification program will also be discussed that could apply to a range of new and existing home types as well as different types of communities across Colorado, in rural, urban and sub-urban settings. The time has come to look at the potential for re-defining what homes can be and to become leaders in setting our standards higher for the safety, health and wellness of all.

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • USGBC - Colorado
  • Speakers / Presenters
    • - Elicia Ratajczyk, Ph. D; M.Arch / Researcher/Project Manager, Institute for the Built Environment at Colorado State University
      - Brian Dunbar, WELL AP, LEED Fellow / Executive Director, Institute for the Built Environment at Colorado State University
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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