
    USGBCMA - Presentation at the State House on the Green Building Advocacy Platform, June 23, 9 am

  • 23 Jun 2015
Event Description

Join the USGBCMA at the Members Lounge at the State House on June 23, from 9-11 am for a Green Building Policy Forum.

Massachusetts State House
House Members Lounge
24 Beacon St, 3rd Floor
Boston, MA 01233

Green Buildings and related businesses comprise a major component of our thriving economy in Massachusetts and support the state in taking a leadership role on environmental & quality of life issues.

Experts from our Chapter community will be presenting on various and specific pieces of legislation which collectively form and expand the beneficial green building policies of the Commonwealth.

Hear about legislative initiatives such as:

-Property Assessed Clean Energy & Resilience Finance
-Net Metering Reform and Smart Grid Expansion
-Net Zero Building Code

We will also review state policies such as energy use disclosure, green building incentives, and how green buildings connect to other important issues.


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