

  • 17 Jan 2017
Event Description


Detailed and comprehensive look at the bottled water industry and its socio-environmental impacts
Tue., Jul 19th, 6pm, Museum of Science and History

Water Blues, Green Solutions:
Tue., Aug. 23rd, 6pm, Corazon Cinema

The Clean Bin Project:
A fun and honest look at huge quantity of waste generated by households
Thu., Aug. 25th, 6pm, Jessie Ball DuPont Center

Just Eat It/Racing to Zero (DOUBLE FEATURE):
Looking at food waste implication at a personal level (Just Eat It) & Food waste solutions at a city level (Racing to Zero)
Tue., Sep. 20th, 6pm, Museum of Science and History
Tue., Dec. 6th, 6pm, Corazon Cinema

The Future of Energy:
Broad look at the bottom-up and Top-down initiatives related to various sources of energy and electricity
Tue., Oct. 18th, 6pm, Corazon Cinema

Deep Dive into agriculture's, particularly cows', impact on the environment and climate.
Tue., Nov. 8th 6pm, Museum of Science and History

Racing to Extinction:
Investigation into illegal species trade and other issues leading to rapid extinction worldwide
Tue., Jan. 17th, 6pm, Museum of Science and History

For more information see:

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