
    NYSERDA On-Site Power Conference & Expo - Integrating Combined Heat and Power, Solar PV, and Energy Storage, Dec 7-8, NY

  • 07 Dec 2016
NYSERDA On-Site Power Conference & Expo - Integrating Combined Heat and Power, Solar PV, and Energy Storage, Dec 7-8, NY
Event Description

NYSERDA On-Site Power Conference & Expo
Integrating Combined Heat and Power, Solar PV, and Energy Storage

December 7 & 8

New York Hilton Midtown
1335 6th Ave, between 53rd and 54th

DECEMBER 7 | 8:30 AM–5 PM

Collaborate with industry colleagues

You and a room full of cleantech innovators, electric and gas utilities, industry reps, manufacturers, and service vendors will share ideas and insights on:

Market potential of integrating CHP, solar PV, and battery/fuel cell technologies
Past and future barriers to implementation
Strategies and interventions to maximize the value


Meet vendors

This is a unique opportunity for you and hundreds of building owners/operators interested in generating their own power to learn about available products, systems, and services.

To register:

NYSERDA, a public benefit corporation, offers objective information and analysis, innovative programs, technical expertise, and support to help New Yorkers increase energy efficiency, save money, use renewable energy, and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. NYSERDA professionals work to protect the environment and create clean energy jobs. NYSERDA has been developing partnerships to advance innovative energy solutions in New York State since 1975. To learn more about NYSERDA's programs, visit or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, or Instagram.

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