
    Living Proof: The Bullitt Center, Three Years Later, September 13, 2016, 6 -8 pm

  • 13 Sep 2016
Event Description

Living Proof: The Bullitt Center, Three Years Later
September 13, 2016 6 -8 pm

The Center for Architecture
536 LaGuardia Place
New York, NY 10012

A net-zero building with passive heat recovery, waterless and composting toilets, automated external blinds, bike rack and repair station, smart controls, and an elevator that converts kinetic energy into electricity? It sounds too good to be true—but it's not.

Seattle's Bullitt Center, designed by architecture firm Miller Hull and completed in 2013, is proof that self-sustaining, net positive buildings are a realistic option and can be financially achievable, comfortable for tenants and a beautiful addition to the community with essentially no environmental footprint.

Join Urban Green NY for a discussion with Miller Hull's Margaret Sprug about the Center—certified as the world’s largest commercial Living Building in 2015 and one of the most energy efficient commercial buildings in the world—including its potentially game-changing "Negawatt" energy investment system, designed to allow energy efficiency to be bought and sold as an investment, separating the efficiency investor from the building owner.



Margaret Sprug, AIA
Principal, Miller Hull

Margaret Sprug is a principal at Miller Hull with 30 years of experience on a variety award winning and highly sustainable projects including higher education, community and civic projects. She is a firm leader in workplace design and sustainable design and is responsible for helping Miller Hull break new ground with Living Buildings: The Bullitt Center, Eastern Washington University’s NESST Center and The Living Building at Georgia Tech. Margaret is also leading the Living Building Petal certification for Miller Hull’s new Seattle Office. Margaret received a bachelor of Environmental Design, from Texas A&M University in 1986, and a master of architecture degree in 1993 from Columbia University.

Marc Brune, PE, LEED AP
Associate Principal, PAE

Marc Brune is an Associate Principal and mechanical engineer with PAE, a national leader in sustainable design. He believes that designers have a responsibility to create buildings that minimize resource use, and brings this conviction to his projects to help create buildings that lead the industry toward a net zero energy future. Among his projects are the Bullitt Center, the world’s largest commercial Living Building and the Rocky Mountain Institute Innovation Center, aiming to go beyond net zero to net positive. He holds a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Washington and a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Portland.

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